SAHCO has developed a group of experts for working in the field of telecommunication. It now extends its business in the Bangladesh's booming IT sector with a view to render its contribution to the country's efforts to cope with the competitive present day world.
IT is the country's fastest growing sector but yet it needs more attention for the development and expansion of the existing telecommunication facilities to usher the country into Information Superhighway connectivity. Only an insignificant section of society mainly based in urban areas have the access to the telecommunication sector, which prompted SAHCO to contribute to the development of the sector.
Telecommunication is both an industry and an infrastructure, which helps other infrastructures to grow. Absence of good telecommunication facilities discourage investments in other sectors of the economy. The telephone density in Bangladesh is far below the world average of 10 telephones per 100 people. In order to enhance the investment in the telecommunication sector, the government has been pursuing the policy of raising the public sector allocation on the one hand, and attracting private sector investment by privatizing certain services, e.g. rural telecommunication, cellular mobile service, paging and radio trunking services etc. on the other. SAHCO has the expertise to work in the projects under this sector including installation of digital telephone exchanges with high frequency switching power supply and tamdem switching exchange.